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Adult Bible Study

Every Sunday
9:30-10:30 am

Oct 6—Nov 24, 2024

Dec 29—Jan 19, 2025
12 sessions               


















Why does God permit suffering? It’s a question all of us have asked, and the book of Job points us toward the answer.  Job’s questions are our questions, and we can identify with his frustration, disappointment, and confusion in the midst of trials.  In this DVD Bible study series, Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas walks us through the book of Job and considers what the Bible says about our darkest moments.  He addresses the difficult question of the relationship between God’s sovereignty and the existence of evil, sin, and suffering.  In the end, as Dr. Thomas shows, it’s in our trials that we learn to trust God and say with Job, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

No suffering goes to waste in the good plans of our sovereign God.  We see glimpses of this truth through the surprising number of prison stories recorded in the Bible.  From Genesis to Revelation, God's people are thrown into dark dungeons, locked behind closed doors, and exiled to remote lands.  Some of these individuals endured by trusting the Lord; others wavered in their faith.  All of them leave valuable lessons about God's purposes for the trials that we face in this life.  In this teaching series titled Imprisoned: Faith in All Circumstances, Dr. Derek Thomas draws out these lessons from Scripture to help us look to Christ in even the most difficult circumstances.  The series considers  how the Lord uses suffering to refine our faith and
.shape our character


February 23 — March 2 
April 20 — June 22

12 sessions

Member Shenendoah Presbytery
Presbyterian Historical Society
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